Hyper Lore

Before The Hyper was, there were but three things. All of which were nonexistent, yet because you can be told about them, they were there despite that nonexistence. There were the Traversers, the Benefactors, and the infinite worldscape. 
   The worldscape filled all space. Wherever you could go, the worldscape was there. Yet this worldscape lacked anything that could be percieved. It was infinite possibility, all things at all times, so it was nothing that could truly be.
   The Traversers were beings that could travel across the worldscape. They had no form, but could bring form to things around them. This act brought to existence parts of a physical reality. This reality being how the worldscape wanted to be. A Traverser would seek out parts of the worldscape that the worldscape wanted to express itself as. In doing so, the Traverser would also create themselves a form that they could exist as, in harmony with this new expression of the infinite worldscape. These expressions of the Traversers and the worldscape would both live for but a brief time. Moving faster than anything could, the Traverser flew across the worldscape, breathing volcanic bursts of existence. Flashing across the infinite space as joyous explosions of life and being.
   Then there were also the Benefactors, who had always existed alongside the Traversers. The Benefactors were many in one form. Yet multiple existed at any one time. They could not move or create like the Traversers, but the Benefactors had a power the Traversers lacked. The Benefactors brought perception to the infinite worldscape. They could percieve this roiling land of potential, and in doing so, would bring permanence to what was brought to form in the worldscape. Where Traversers were moving from one act of creation to the next at unimaginable speeds, the Benefactors would see these brief moments of existence, and hold them in space. As long as an instance of being was perceived by a Benefactor, it would hold its existence as place. As physical space. Traversers would bring whole realities to form in an instant, as Benefactors, in that same instant, hold these brief moments in their collective mind's eye. Holding them as a physical reality. These realities held by the Benefactors would play out for both microseconds and millennia. Until at some point, the attention of the Benefactors would shift to the next reality that cried out for physicality, for being. The Benefactors would move their perception. The reality that was once held by the Benefactors, would drift away into the essential vapors, that would then go on to become a new Traversers fuel for birthing a new reality. 
Each Traverser had a song of existence, and every Benefactor the words to describe these songs to the worldscape, the worldscape weaving the song into being.
   This was the order of things, as it was, before all.
    Then the deluge came.
The worldscape, as it was infinite, touched all things that were not the worldscape. These other things were what you would call your universes, your realities, your worldscapes. The barrier that separated the infinite worldscape from all other things grew weak. The border between the infinite and the finite. The shattering of this barrier was felt by all possible things. An instant light, too bright to be any literal light. An instant sound, too loud to be any literal sound.
   The Benefactors had no choice but to observe this happening, and in doing so, solidified this rush of new reality into its own existence, collapsing all things into one. The Benefactors could not pull their attention away from this act, and because they could no longer percieve anything else but this, the edges of the infinite worldscape fell away, and the loose ends folded into this ongoing condensing of realities. This left the Traversers with no where to go, other than to be brought into this new reality, seperated from the infinite that was slowly becoming finite. Resigned to this existential ultimatum, the Traversers took on a form of their own making with which to exist in this finite, physical reality. Soon, after so long, it was quiet.
 Then there was The Hyper. A reality consisting of all realities, condensed into one physical form. The Traversers, now real beings, scrape the new landscape for cracks in reality. Seeking in vain to once return to the infinite and formless. Their efforts misconstrued by the population of The Hyper as ruinous, for widening cracks in reality is often accompanied by disaster. While the Benefactors, with their own physical forms, continue to solidify reality with their powers of observation. Seeing all things that are not a part of The Hyper's reality as profane, removing the blemishes that arise from the unstable nature if this hyperstitional conglomeration of realities.
   This is the new order of things. As it is, after everything became real.


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