Hyper Lore
Before The Hyper was, there were but three things. All of which were nonexistent, yet because you can be told about them, they were there despite that nonexistence. There were the Traversers, the Benefactors, and the infinite worldscape. The worldscape filled all space. Wherever you could go, the worldscape was there. Yet this worldscape lacked anything that could be percieved. It was infinite possibility, all things at all times, so it was nothing that could truly be. The Traversers were beings that could travel across the worldscape. They had no form, but could bring form to things around them. This act brought to existence parts of a physical reality. This reality being how the worldscape wanted to be. A Traverser would seek out parts of the worldscape that the worldscape wanted to express itself as. In doing so, the Traverser would also create themselves a form that they could exist as, in harmony with this new expression of the infinite worldscape. T...